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The Hidden Dangers of Snowy Parking Lots for Business Owners: Why Timely Snow Removal is Crucial in Edmonton

With heavy snowfall and icy conditions becoming the norm, business owners face numerous challenges in keeping their properties safe and functional. One of the most significant risks during the winter months is the parking lot, which can quickly become a hazardous zone if snow and ice are not removed promptly.

At Gateway Builders, we specialize in commercial snow removal, helping businesses keep their properties safe and accessible throughout Edmonton’s harsh winters. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the dangers of snowy parking lots for business owners, the legal liabilities that can arise from not removing snow, and how timely snow removal services can protect your business, employees, and customers.

1. Increased Risk of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

The most immediate danger of a snow-covered parking lot is the heightened risk of slip-and-fall accidents. Ice and snow create treacherous surfaces that can cause serious injuries to anyone walking to or from your business.

  • Employee Injuries: Your employees may have to navigate across your parking lot multiple times a day. If it isn’t properly cleared of snow and ice, they are at risk of slipping, which can lead to broken bones, concussions, or other serious injuries. Not only is this detrimental to your employees’ well-being, but it can also result in costly workers’ compensation claims.
  • Customer Accidents: Customers who slip and fall in your parking lot may file lawsuits, leading to significant legal expenses. A single accident could not only harm your customers but also damage your business’s reputation.

Keeping your parking lot clear of snow and ice with the help of a professional snow removal service like Gateway Builders reduces the chances of accidents occurring on your property.

2. Legal Liability for Negligence

In Edmonton, business owners have a legal responsibility to ensure their property, including parking lots, is safe for public use. Failing to remove snow and ice in a timely manner can expose you to serious legal liabilities.

  • Duty of Care: As a business owner, you owe a duty of care to employees, customers, and visitors. If someone is injured because your parking lot was not adequately maintained, you could be held liable for negligence.
  • Potential Lawsuits: If a person sustains an injury due to slipping on ice or snow in your parking lot, they may sue for damages. This can lead to significant financial losses, including legal fees, settlements, and increased insurance premiums.
  • City Regulations: Edmonton has regulations regarding snow removal for property owners. Failing to comply with these requirements could result in fines and penalties, adding to the financial burden of not maintaining your parking lot during winter.

By hiring Gateway Builders for professional snow removal, you can ensure compliance with legal requirements and mitigate the risk of expensive lawsuits or fines.

3. Damage to Vehicles and Increased Liability

Snow and ice can also cause damage to vehicles parked in your lot, creating additional liabilities for your business. Slippery parking lots increase the likelihood of accidents, such as fender benders or cars sliding into one another.

  • Vehicle Damage: If vehicles are damaged due to poor conditions in your parking lot, you could be held responsible for repair costs. This is particularly problematic if snow or ice buildup contributes to accidents.
  • Accidents Due to Poor Visibility: Snowbanks created by plowed or piled-up snow can block visibility, making it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians or other vehicles. This can lead to collisions, for which you, as the property owner, may be held accountable.

Prompt and professional snow removal services from Gateway Builders ensure that your parking lot remains free of dangerous snowbanks and icy patches, minimizing the risk of accidents and vehicle damage.

4. Negative Impact on Business Operations

A snow-covered or icy parking lot can have a significant impact on your business operations. If customers and employees feel unsafe entering or exiting your premises due to hazardous conditions, they may avoid your business altogether.

  • Reduced Foot Traffic: If customers perceive your parking lot as unsafe, they are less likely to visit your business. This can result in lost sales and a negative impact on your bottom line.
  • Employee Productivity: Employees who are constantly worried about slipping in the parking lot or struggling to navigate icy conditions may experience reduced productivity. Worse still, injured employees may need time off, further disrupting operations.

Maintaining a clean and safe parking lot is essential for keeping your business running smoothly throughout the winter months. Professional snow removal ensures that your parking lot remains clear, allowing employees and customers to safely access your business.

5. Damage to Parking Lot Surfaces

Snow and ice can also cause long-term damage to your parking lot’s surface. Edmonton’s freeze-thaw cycles are particularly hard on asphalt and concrete, as water from melting snow seeps into cracks, refreezes, and expands, causing potholes and surface degradation.

  • Cracked and Damaged Pavement: If snow and ice aren’t regularly removed, the repeated freezing and thawing of trapped moisture can lead to extensive damage to your parking lot. Over time, this can result in costly repairs and resurfacing, further increasing your winter expenses.
  • Increased Maintenance Costs: The more damage your parking lot sustains during the winter, the more frequently it will require maintenance and repairs. Regular snow and ice removal by professionals can help prevent this kind of damage, saving you money in the long run.

At Gateway Builders, our commercial snow removal services not only clear snow but also ensure that ice is properly managed to prevent moisture-related damage to your parking lot’s surface.

How Gateway Builders Can Help

As a business owner in Edmonton, managing winter conditions can be challenging. Gateway Builders offers comprehensive commercial snow removal services to ensure your parking lot remains safe, accessible, and compliant with local regulations. Our expert team provides:

  • Snow and Ice Removal: We quickly and efficiently clear snow and ice from your parking lot, reducing the risk of slip-and-fall accidents, vehicle damage, and legal liabilities.
  • De-Icing Solutions: In addition to snow removal, we offer professional de-icing services to keep your parking lot free of dangerous ice patches.
  • Tailored Snow Removal Plans: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized snow removal plans to meet your specific needs. Whether you need regular maintenance or emergency services during heavy snowfalls, we’ve got you covered.


Snowy parking lots pose significant dangers to business owners in Edmonton, from legal liabilities and injuries to vehicle damage and operational disruptions. Ensuring that your parking lot is properly maintained during the winter is crucial for protecting your business, employees, and customers.

By working with Gateway Builders, you can rest assured that your parking lot will remain clear and safe throughout the winter months. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial snow removal services and how we can help you navigate Edmonton’s harsh winter conditions with confidence.

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